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Diablo Immortal: The Best PvP Tank Necromancer

Wiltbloom Golem Necromancer Guide


The Summoner Necromancer uses the Soulfire primary skill along with Command Golem, Skeletal Mage, Command Skeletons, and Bone Armor. With the new Wiltbloom weapon equipped your Command Golem will now encase you inside your golem giving 50% damage reduction, increased movement speed, and four new golem abilities. The 50% damage taken reduction makes this an extremely tanky build for PvP and it's especially strong with 5 star gems that deal their own damage. Skeletal mages can also be mobile and completely immune to damage with the recommended PvP setup. With the Mirrorictus legendary helmet you will also be able to summon skeleton archers that deal about twice the damage of regular skeletons and they use a ranged attack which helps them to survive. Bone Armor is also helpful for shielding you and your party members while also keeping your summons alive in high damage situations.


Paragons & Legendary Skills: Wiltbloom Golem Necromancer Build


1. Vanquisher is the best damage paragon for this build because it increases your damage and attack speed on kills.

2. Brawler is the best PvP paragon tree for this build because it makes you extremely tanky and because the cheat death from the Gladiator paragon isn't as valuable for this build because golem form is typically on cooldown after cheat death.

3. Vanquisher is the best paragon tree for increased magic find and has increased damage and attack speed on kills.

4. Harbinger can be used in Erebban for a life shield, for movement speed, and for moving unhindered through enemies.

5. Survivor is recommended for Vanguard so that deaths take you to one life instead of killing you.

6. The best legendary skill is Benefactor because it gives a life shield to you and your allies when you use Bone Armor.

7. Below you can find a picture for the best paragon for damage and the second image is the best paragon for PvP.

DI Benefactor Vanquisher.png
DI Benefactor Brawler.png

Summoner Necromancer Skills and Equipment:



1. Soulfire (primary skill)

2. Skeletal Mage

3. Command Golem

4. Command Skeletons

5. Bone Armor​​


Main Hand

Wiltbloom - Encases you inside your golem giving 50% damage reduction, increased movement speed, and new skills.



Scattered Light - Skeletal Mage now summons untargetable Spectral Mages that passively spawn. Also, Skeletal Mages can sacrifice themselves to remove a total loss of control from you.


Main Hand 2

Piercehammer - Command Skeleton now deals increased damage.


Off-Hand 2

Corrosive Slab - Command Golem makes enemies take increased damage.



Mirrorictus - Your skeleton champions are replaced with skeletal archers that deal more damage.



Cutthroat Arch - Skeletal mage attacks increase your critical hit chance.



Parting Gift - Bone Armor now gives you, your summons, and your allies five charges of damage absorption.



Dead Druthers - Bone Armor now increases you and your summons attack speed and movement speed.


Recommended Sets

1. Shepherd's Call to Wolves (4 Set) - Increases your minions damage and your critical strike chance when using minions.

2. Untouchable Mountebank (4 Set) - Great for PvP for a large life shield to improve your defenses. 


Best Curses

1. Lashed - Using your primary attack gives a chance to generate three crackling whips that damage enemies.

2. Atrophied - Continual damage causes a dark field to appear under enemies that deals damage over time.


Best 5 Star Legendary Gems

1. Roiling Consequence - Increases your critical hit chance and causes critical hits to burn enemies.

2. Golden Firmament - Causes a ranged wind damage attack and increases your evasion.

3. Seeping Bile - Gives a 4% chance to poison enemies on hit which deals damage over time.

4. Starfire Shard - Causes fire to rain down on enemies and knocks them back.

5. Maw of the Deep - Lowest priority 5 star that draw enemies into a vortex and then stuns them dealing damage.

6. Frozen Heart (should be switched to for PvP) - Gives a life shield for a medium duration and chills enemies.


Best 2 Star Legendary Gems

1. Pain Clasp - Gives increased damage against enemies with a continual damage effect on them.

2. Viper's Bite - Poisons enemies on cooldown and triggers the damage increase on the Pain Clasp legendary gem.

3. Mother's Lament - Increases your critical hit chance and causes enemies to bleed.

4. Igneous Scorn (PvM only) - Used with Roiling Consequence and Mother's Lament for damage on critical hits.


Best Starter 1 Star Legendary Gem

1. Entropic Well isn't recommended because skill damage doesn't affect summons and is less helpful in golem form.


Regular Gems

Prioritize Tourmalines for added damage in red sockets and Citrines for Potency which increases harmful effects duration in yellow sockets. You should also use your highest refinement Aquamarines and Sapphires which give increased armor and armor penetration in blue sockets. You can optionally combine all of your Rubies and/or Topazes into a single higher refinement Ruby and/or Topaz and use one of each in your equipment early on for a higher level of refinement.


Gem Notes

The Viper's Bite and Seeping Bile legendary gems deal continual damage which trigger the damage increase on the Pain Clasp legendary gem. Roiling Consequence and Mother's Lament both give increased critical hit chance and pair well with Igneous Scorn which deals damage on critical hits. Igneous Scorn should, however, eventually be replaced with a 5 star damage legendary gem like Starfire Shard which is capable of having much higher resonance, damage, and crowd control. One legendary gem should also be replaced with Frozen Heart in PvP for a large life shield and to chill opponents.​


That's all for the Wiltbloom Golem Necromancer Guide. You can also view the site's home page here Diablo Immortal Page.​


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