Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Guide
Melee, Archers, and Destruction Mages are all about equal in strength. Here's a guide on where to find the best setup and equipment for them.
Melee Build
Race: Breton - Bretons are the best race for melee characters because they have +50 to Magicka and 50% Magic Resist which becomes very important later in the game. Bretons also have a 50% Shield spell that can be used once per day.
Sign: The Warrior (Increase Strength and Endurance by 10) - The Warrior sign increases the amount of health you gain when you level, increases your melee physical damage, and helps you carry more items.
Custom Class:
Blade (Strength)
Blade is the best type of melee weapon.
Block (Endurance)
Block is an important defensive.
Heavy Armor (Endurance)
Heavy Armor gives the highest armor rating for melee.
Conjuration (Intellect)
Conjuration increases your damage with the high damage Summon Clannfear spell at 75 Conjuration.
Athletics (Speed)
Athletics is a skill that can be used to force level ups once you have your attribute bonuses.
Alteration (Willpower)
Alteration has spells like Open Lock, Shield, Water Walking, and Water Breathing.
Restoration (Willpower)
Restoration is recommended for all builds.
Note: Alchemy shouldn't be set as a major skill because it will level you up way too quickly.
Build Tips: You will be constantly attacking with a physical weapon so try and keep a healthy supply of Restore Fatigue Potions. Restore Fatigue Potions can be easily made with the plentiful supply of food in the Fighters Guilds. Make sure to purchase Ease Burden from Edgar's Discount Spells in the Imperial City to carry more weight. Later in the game you can upgrade to a custom Feather spell at the Altar of Spellmaking which can be found inside the Arcane University.
Best Transcendent Sigil Stones:​
1. With 100% Chameleon enchants you can attack enemies without them even fighting back which makes it very overpowered. I don't recommend using a 100% Chameleon build or the game will become trivial.
2. Fortify Strength enchants are the next best enchants to increase your melee damage and allow you to carry more weight.
3. Three 20% Resist Magic enchants as a Breton with 50% Magic Resist can be used to gain full magic immunity. You also have the option of using the Mundane Ring which has 50% Resist Magic as a Breton for full magic immunity.
Note: At the end of a Oblivion Rift you can save and reload the game for a new Transcendent Sigil Stone.
Archer Build
Race: Breton - Bretons are the best race for archers because they have +50 to Magicka and 50% Magic Resist which becomes very important later in the game. Bretons also have a 50% Shield spell that can be used once per day.
Sign: The Mage (50 Magicka Bonus) - The Mage sign provides you with extra Magicka for casting spells.
Custom Class:
Marksman (Agility)
Marksman is your main source of damage when attacking with a bow.
Blade (Strength)
Blade weapons give you strength when you level up and can be used to finish off enemies.
Block (Endurance)
Block is a great defensive that can be used to gain Endurance on levels.
Light Armor (Speed)
Light Armor should be used because archers have low strength for carrying items and because it improves mobility.
Conjuration (Intellect)
Conjuration increases your damage with the high damage Summon Clannfear spell at 75 Conjuration.
Alteration (Willpower)
Alteration has spells like Open Lock, Shield, Water Walking, and Water Breathing.
Restoration (Willpower)
Restoration is recommended for every build.
Note: Alchemy shouldn't be set as a major skill because it levels you up way too quickly without skill bonuses.
Build Tips: Conjuration spells such as Summon Clannfear can increase your damage and are great defensively. Alchemy poisons can also be used but they're never absolutely necessary.
Best Transcendent Sigil Stones:​
1. With 100% Chameleon enchants you can attack enemies without them even fighting back which makes it very overpowered. I don't recommend using a 100% Chameleon build or the game will become trivial.
2. Three 20% Resist Magic enchants as a Breton with 50% Resist Magic should be used to gain full magic immunity.
3. Optionally you can use a single Feather enchant on your boots to help you to carry more weight.
Note: There is no need to use agility Transcendent Sigil Stones because the damage increase for bows caps at 100 Agility.
Mage Build
Race: Breton - Bretons are the best race for mages because they have +50 to Magicka and 50% Magic Resist which becomes very important later in the game. Bretons also have a 50% Shield spell that can be used once per day.
Sign: The Mage (50 Magicka Bonus) - The Mage sign provides you with more Magicka for casting spells.
Custom Class:
Destruction (Willpower)
Destruction is your primary damage skill.
Blade (Strength)
Blade weapons give strength when leveling and can be used to finish off enemies.
Block (Endurance)
Block is a great defensive that can be used to gain endurance on levels.
Light Armor (Speed)
Light Armor should be used for improved mobility and because mages have low strength for carrying items.
Athletics (Speed)
Athletics is a skill that can be used to force level ups once you have your attribute bonuses.
Armorer (Endurance)
Armorer is used to increase your endurance and will help you repair gear.
Restoration (Willpower)
Restoration is recommended for every build.
Note: Alteration should not be set as a major skill because it needs to be trained to gain willpower when you level without leveling your skills up. Conjuration spells shouldn't be used because your magicka will be devoted primarily to your Destruction spells. Also, Alchemy shouldn't be set as a major skill because it will level you up way too quickly.
Build Tips: One custom Destruction spell can nearly finish off strong enemies and you then have the option of casting the spell again or finishing them off with your blade weapon. Once you have high intelligence and willpower and plenty of Restore Magicka Potions Destruction spells become the highest damage skill in Oblivion. The strongest custom Destruction spell format is Fire, Frost, and Shock damage over 3 seconds at various strengths. You can also cast Weakness to Magic, Fire, Frost, and Shock spell before the damage spell but they should not be combined when making the spell because weakness spells only apply to the next spell cast.
Best Transcendent Sigil Stones:​
1. With 100% Chameleon enchants you can attack enemies without them even fighting back which makes it very overpowered. I don't recommend using a 100% Chameleon build or the game will become trivial.
2. Fortify Magicka enchants give you more Magicka to cast the more expensive spells and also give Magicka regeneration.
3. Optionally you can use a single Feather enchant on your boots to help you carry more weight.
Note: At the end of a Oblivion Rift you can save and reload the game for a new Transcendent Sigil Stone.
Best Equipment
Best Blade - Goldbrand
Take a Daedra Heart at level 20+ as an offering to the Boethia Shrine to start the quest for Goldbrand. The Boethia Shrine is found southeast of Cheydinal up in the mountains. Goldbrand does more damage than Umbra when you factor in its enchantment damage and has a high number of enchantment charges.
Best Physical Damage Blade - Umbra
Umbra can be found in Vindasel which is southwest of the Imperial City. Umbra drops the Umbra sword and a strong set of heavy armor called Umbra's Ebony Armor which is at its best when you are level 15+. The fight is extremely difficult at low levels without adjusting the difficulty slider and should probably be saved for later in the game.
Best Bow - Hatred's Soul Bow
The Hatred's Soul Bow is the highest damage bow in the game and is strongest when found at level 19+. The Hatred's Soul Bow can be found in the Embers of Hatred inside the unique Chorrol Oblivion Gate that appears after requesting help from Chorrol during the Main Quest. The Embers of Hatred is in the far northern part of the Oblivion Gate behind a rock which can be reached by running down a long skinny metal platform that is surrounded by lava.
Best Shield - Escutcheon of Chorrol
The quest for the Escutcheon of Chorrol starts in Chorrol where you will need to talk to the towns people using the topic Reynald Jermane. The questline will eventually lead you to a boss that drops the Honorblade of Chorrol which should then be returned to Chorrol Castle once you are level 25+ for the strongest version of the Escutcheon of Chorrol.
Note: Heavy armor shields don't count against the light armor perk for wearing a full set of light armor.
Best Heavy Armor Helmet - The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw
The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw is received as an end reward for completing the Fighters Guild questline. It has a constant 10 point Fortify Agility and 10 point Fortify Endurance enchantment and is the best heavy armor helmet in the game.
Best Heavy Armor - Daedric Armor​
Daedric Armor will not drop until you are level 20+. The best place to get Daedric Armor is from the Unearthing Mehrunes Razor quest which has several leveled enemies that are wearing full sets of Daedric Armor some of which are enchanted. You can also find a partial set of Daedric Armor from the citizens inside the Roxey Inn which is located to the northeast of the Imperial City. Make sure to wait for the guard to exit the inn before fighting or the guard will arrest you before you finish the fight. Daedra inside Oblivion Rifts also have a small chance at dropping a partial set of Daedric Armor.
Best Light Armor Chest - Savior's Hide
The Hircine's Daedric Shrine becomes available at level 17+ and can be found to the south of the Imperial City. Offer a wolf pelt or a bear pelt to the shrine and complete a fairly straightforward quest for the Savior's Hide. The Savior's Hide has the same armor rating as a Glass Cuirass, weighs 12 pounds less than a Glass Cuirass, and has a 25% Resist Magic enchantment.
Best Light Armor - Glass Armor​​
Glass Armor will not drop until you are level 20+. The Unearthing Mehrunes Razor quest has several leveled enemies that are wearing full sets of Glass Armor some of which are enchanted. There is also a stealth enemy on the bottom floor of the Blackwood Company that is wearing enchanted Glass Armor. Another way to easily find a partial set of Glass Armor is to fight the citizens inside the Roxey Inn which is located to the northeast of the Imperial City. Make sure to wait for the guard to exit the inn before fighting the citizens or the guard will arrest you before you finish the fight.
Best Jewelry - Necklace of Swords, Ring of the Iron Fist, Mundane Ring, and Ring of Vitality
The Thieves Guild unlocks the Temple of the Ancestor Moths where you can find the best jewelry items in the game. The boss drops the Necklace of Swords and the Ring of the Iron Fist which both have 33% Reflect Damage and are the best two pieces of jewelry in the game. You can also go for the Mundane Ring which has 50% Magic Resist and 35% Spell Reflect or the Ring of Vitality which has 100% Resist Poison, 100% Resist Paralysis, and 100% Resist Disease. You can save outside the door to the boss fight and reset the save file until you get the piece of jewelry that you are looking for. Once you get the correct piece of jewelry you can exit the dungeon and wait three in game days using the wait option to respawn the boss for more chances at jewelry.
Scales of Pitiless Justice
The Scales of Pitiless Justice is rewarded to you during The Dark Brotherhood questline and gives you two points of Strength, Agility, and Intelligence.
Skeleton Key
The Skeleton Key can open any lock and can be found from the Nocturnal Shrine which is to the northeast of Leyawiin at level 10+. After visiting the shrine talk to a guard using the topic Leyawiin, not Eye of Nocturnal, listen to the conversation of two thieves, and then pick up the Eye of Nocturnal. Return to the Nocturnal Shrine and you will be rewarded with the Skeleton Key.
Azura's Star
Azura's Star is a reusable soul stone that can hold Grand Souls. Speak to Azura's Shrine which is to the far north of Cheydinhal with an offering of Glow Dust and then complete a fairly straightforward quest to obtain the Azura's Star.
Best Leveling Gear
Armored Horse
At the beginning of the main quest you can easily obtain a horse by asking the inhabitants of Weynon Priory for assistance. The horse can be one time outfitted with Elven Armor for free at the stables near the Imperial City which helps keep the horse alive.
Starting Gear
The Arena provides a solid starter heavy armor and light armor once you join. The Chorrol Fighters Guild has two free Fine Steel Longswords and a Silver Shortsword which can damage ghosts. Also the Anvil Fighters Guild has free Steel Greaves and Steel Boots on the shelf on the third floor.
The Honorblade of Chorrol
The Honorblade of Chorrol is the best easily accessible starter weapon that can be obtained at level one. The Honorblade of Chorrol quest starts in Chorrol where you will need to talk to the towns people using the topic Reynald Jermane. The questline will lead you to a boss that drops the Honorblade of Chorrol. The Honorblade of Chorrol should be returned to Chorrol Castle at level 25+ for the strongest version of the Escutcheon of Chorrol which is the best shield in the game.
Black Bow
The Black Bow is a great starter bow that can be easily found at level one by killing the bandits in the Rockmilk Cave. The Rockmilk Cave is on the road leading away from Leyawiin to the west side of a river.
Frostwyrm Bow
The Frostwyrm Bow is an Elven Bow with a 15 cold damage enchant that can be found as early as level one but the boss fight for it is extremely difficult early in the game. To start the quest read the journal at Dive Rock which is located on a mountain to the far northeast of Cheydinhal and then fight the nearby spirit troll boss. You should position the boss in a way that she is unable to run up the mountain to you or the fight will prove extremely difficult at low levels.
Heavy Raiment of Valor
After completing the Arena questline you will be rewarded with the Heavy Raiment of Valor which is a great heavy armor set for early in the game. The Light Raiment of Valor is not worth keeping, however, because it has a very low durability and breaks extremely quickly.
Grand Ring of the Aegis
The Fighters Guild quest More Unfinished Business rewards you with the Grand Ring of the Aegis which has an 18% Shield enchant when you complete it at level 10+. The Grand Ring of the Aegis is far better than other ring options that you can get at early levels.
Alchemy Ingredients
Alchemy farms can be used to gain intelligence when you are leveling and will help you keep a healthy supply of potions. There is a huge farm that can be found to the west of Skingrad with hundreds of alchemy ingredients. There is a farm right outside of Chorrol and two farms to the north of Anvil. The Arcane University and The Frostcrag Spire property that you receive at the beginning of the game have a ton of alchemy ingredients. There is also a farm located to the south of Cheydinhal on the right side of a river and one in "The Heartlands" on the map Northeast of the Imperial City.
Best Order to Complete Guild Quests
1. Start the Main Quest
Start by progressing the Main Quest until you receive your horse from Weynon Priory. You should wait until level 17 to jump back into the Main Quest for the strongest Transcendent Sigil Stones for the best enchantments.
2. Join the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, and the Arena
After joining the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild you can sell all the weapons and alchemy apparatuses inside the guilds for a large amount of Septim. There is a Fine Steel Longsword inside the Chorrol Fighters Guild and Steel Boots and Steel Greaves on the third floor of the Anvil Fighter's Guild. When you join the Arena you will receive a strong low level heavy armor and light armor set. Also, if you are playing as a Destruction Mage you should try and complete the Mages Guild recommendations quests early in the game for access to custom spells at the Altar of Spellmaking.
3. Complete the Arena
The Arena has great Septim rewards for early in the game that will help you with training and purchasing items from shops. The reward for completing the Arena is the Heavy Raiment of Valor which is a solid heavy armor set for early in the game. The Light Raiment of Valor is not worth keeping, however, because it has a very low durability and breaks extremely quickly.
4. Complete the Fighters Guild
The Fighter's Guild has the best low level leveled gear out of the guilds such as the Ring of the Aegis which has up to an 18% Shield enchant and the Mind and Body Ring which has up to 8 Strength and 8% Reflect Damage. The end reward for completing the Fighters Guild is the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw which is the best heavy armor helmet in the game.
5. Complete the Mages Guild
You are rewarded with a Mage's Staff that is at its best when found at level 15+ on your first quest after the Mages Guild recommendations quests. You will also have a chance at finding Master alchemy apparatuses when you are level 17+ from necromancer dungeons which are encountered in the Mages Guild quests.
6. Complete the Thieves Guild
The Thieves Guild gives access to the Temple of the Ancestor Moths where you can find the best jewelry in the game at level 20+. The Thieves Guild is also best saved for somewhat late in the game due to the infamy it gives for completing quests.
7. Complete the Dark Brotherhood
The Dark Brotherhood also gives a high amount of infamy and is best saved for later in the game.
8. Complete the Knights of the Nine
There is a pilgrimage quest that will erase your infamy allowing you to start the Knights of the Nine completely infamy free. Being infamy free is required to wear the Knights of the Nine relics.
9. Complete the Shivering Isles
The Shivering Isles expansion has several high level leveled items and is best saved for last.
Early Game Spells
Restoration: Heal Major Wound can be purchased at the beginning of the game from the Chorrol Chapel.
Alteration: The Open Easy Lock spell can be purchased from the Mages Guild in Bruma.
Illusion: The Starlight spell will help you to see in dark areas and can be purchased from Edgar's Discount Spells.
Conjuration: The Summon Scamp spell is a strong starter Conjuration spell that is purchasable from Edgar's Discount Spells.
Alteration: Defend is a 15% Shield spell that can also be purchased from Edgar's Discount Spells in the Imperial City.
Note: Once you have the base spell purchased you can make custom versions at the Altar of Spellmaking in the Arcane University.
Tips Section
1. At the end of Oblivion Rifts you can save the game right before taking the Transcendent Sigil Stone and reload the game until you receive the Transcendent Sigil Stone that you are looking for.​
2. You can use Sneak while autorunning next to Jeanne's bed while she is asleep in the Bruma Mages Guild to gain 10 points of Sneak which increases your agility by 5 when you level.
3. A full set of expert alchemy apparatuses can be purchased from the shop named All Things Alchemical in Skingrad once you are level 18 or above. You can wait three days in game outside the shop to reset the shop's inventory until you find a full set of expert alchemy apparatuses.
4. When Acrobatics is not set as a major skill you can jump for 10 levels of Acrobatics to gain 5 speed when you level up.
5. The best item to steal for the fencing portion of the Thieves Guild is the Varla Stone (worth 1000 Septim) which is in an unlocked case in the main hall of Castle Chorrol.
6. Another great place to steal for the Thieves Guild is the wine cellar during the Lost Histories Thieves Guild quest. Make sure to release the prisoner for the quest before stealing the wine or the guards will confiscate all of your stolen goods.
7. The Basin of Renewal can be used to fully heal you after Arena fights but it can be tricky to use at first. You need to stand in the pool of blood before clicking the Basin of Renewal which fully heals you.
8. The amount of maximum health gained when you level is determined by your Endurance. If Heavy Armor and/or Spears are not set as a major skill they can be trained to gain Endurance without leveling you up.
9. Shady Sam sells 30 lockpicks and can be found along the outer wall of the Imperial City to the north of the exit of the Talos Plaza District.
10. Heavy Armor shields do not count against the light armor perk for 50% more armor from wearing a full set of light armor.
11. The armor cap is 85. It's sometimes a good idea to get more armor than the armor cap to compensate for durability loss which decreases your armor rating.
12. You can make custom low Magicka spells in various schools of magic at the Altar of Spellmaking to quickly level magics. You can also create a weak self damage fire spell to quickly level Destruction magic.
For a guide for Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind you can click on the links. Good luck!