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Diablo Immortal Daily Activity Priority Guide​​​



​​​Introduction: Diablo Immortal Daily Activity Priority


With so many activities to sort through in Diablo Immortal it's sometimes hard to decide what activities you should work on at the beginning of each new week. So here's a short guide created to show the most beneficial activities and their priority for character progression so that you can stop idling while trying to figure out what to do and start grinding! Below you can find the top 15 activities that should keep you busy in Diablo Immortal for the entire week. Good luck!​


​​​Top Start of the Day Activities:


1. Login for the daily free reward which can be found in the shop.

2. Get the first kill of the day reward.

3. Get your free crest from visiting the Elder Rift.

4. Attempt to get the three daily activity points reward chests each day.​


DI Free Reward 2.png
DI First Kill of the Day.png
DI Free Crest.png
DI Battle Points Chests.png

​​​​​Diablo Immortal Daily Activity Priority​


1. Raid the Vault


Running the Vault is recommended as the top priority activity because it gives the highest amount of gold of any activity in the game and because it increases your Shadow Rank which can greatly improve your damage and defenses. Raid the Vault also gives 40 Hilts per chest which can be exchanged at the Hilts Trader for a variety of different rewards.


2. Elder Rifts and Challenge Rifts


Make sure to use all of your acquired Legendary Crests in Elder Rifts for legendary gem rewards. Elder Rifts also give currency that allows you to craft legendary gems. Because of this Elder Rifts are better done with a party with each party member contributing ten crests for group currency rewards. Challenge Rifts should also be capped at the highest difficulty you can complete them. They provide important crafting material and have a great return for the amount of time spent.


3. Helliquary Raids


Raids are an important part of gaining Helliquary Seeker's Rating to increase your combat rating, gaining Demonic Remains which provide buffs inside raids and increase your combat rating, and are a great source of legendary items which can improve your combat rating and provide legendary essences.​


​4. Iben Fahd's Sanctum (once you have 377 Aspirant's Keys)


It takes 377 Aspirant's Keys to open all of the chests inside Iben Fahd's Sanctum. The activity is quick and completing it allows you to upgrade your Horadrim Vessels which gives a huge stat boost. You will also have a small chance of receiving the Iben Fahd's Tenacity Horadrim Vessel which gives a nice boost to your damage and life.


5. Dailies


Dailies refers to Shadow Contracts and Bounties which become available at the beginning of each new day. Shadow Contracts help out your clan and give a chance at legendary items and some crafting materials. Eight bounties are also unlocked at the beginning of each day and can be completed or traded for Hellslayer Bounties if you have spare Terror Essences. Hellslayer Bounties can, however, be difficult to solo so it's usually best to have a party when completing them.​


​6. Dungeons (when set items are needed)


Dungeons rank fifth in endgame priority when you don't have the preferred set items for your build. They are a great source of Activity Points for your Seeker's Rating and provide daily gems when you're in a four person party. Challenge Dungeons can also be completed for better rewards once you are well geared and have a high combat rating.


​​​​7. Vanguard


Vanguard can be found in the back of Cains room and usually requires a party with Vanguard charms. Vanguard typically gives one or more legendary or set items per run which can increase your combat rating and provide essences. Even when you don't need legendary items I would still recommend doing Vanguard to upgrade your Vanguard charm for later runs.​​


8. Weekly Terror Rifts


Terror Rifts provide legendary items and Terror Essences which can be used to start Oblivion Pillars, unlock Hellslayer Bounties, or my favorite, you can sell them on the auction house for about 400 Platinum each.


9. Events


The events tab in the menu shows which events are currently active. Some of the events are more important than others and they can vary in priority. You should try and complete the events before they expire whenever possible. The Events Center in the menu also has rewards for Seals of Triumph which are gained from completing event activities.


​​​​10. Accursed Tower


Rewards for the Accursed Tower vary but can sometime include a Legendary Crest which guarantees a legendary gem inside Elder Rifts, legendary items, and Demonic Remains which can improve your Helliquary combat rating. Contested Towers can also be done for your clan and are a great source of high runes and legendary items.


11. Erebban / Abyssal Verge / Hidden Lairs


Erebban, Abyssal Verge, and Hidden Lairs drop a high number of gems which can then be used or sold on the auction house for Platinum. Erebban is the fastest way to farm regular gems in Diablo Immortal. It's best done in a two person party to open the highest number of chests for the best gem rewards. Abyssal Verge and Hidden Lairs can be a higher priority than Erebban if you need legendary essences and/or need to increase your combat rating. Erebban and Hidden Lairs are also great sources of Monstrous Essences which typically reward you with one or more legendary items.


12. Three Battlegrounds / Tower Wars


You can get enhanced rewards each day for your first three Battlegrounds and first three Tower Wars when they're available. They're also both great sources of Aspirant's Keys which can be used inside Iben Fahd's Sanctum to upgrade your Horadrim Vessels which give stat boosts. With Battleground and Tower War seasons you will also be rewarded with a large number of normal gems depending on how high your Battleground and Tower War ranks were at the end of the season.


​13. Sentinel's Stand


Sentinel's Stand is low priority and can be completed for legendary item rewards as well as some salvageable gear. Once you figure out how the event works it only takes about 10 minutes to complete. Sentinel's Stand can be found in the Southern Dreadlands east of the northern most warp point.​


​14. Open World Farm


Many people enjoy farming in the Library of Zoltun Kulle in their downtime. You can get legendary items, crafting materials, and a whole lot of experience making your rounds with a four person party. You can also farm multiple areas in other zone but the Library of Zoltun Kulle is typically the most popular location for open world farms in a four person party.


15. World Events, World Quests, and Exploration


The events that happen in zones and world quests have various rewards that typically include crafting materials. Exploration can be done actively or passively and provides Rare Crests which improve legendary gem drops inside of Elder Rifts.


Optional Activity: Fishing


Fishing has unusually good legendary rewards and crafting materials for just fishing. You can also unlock fish pages in the Bestiary for another source of rewards. As an added tip I highly recommend multitasking when fishing while waiting for the rare fish bar or it can be a little tedious to watch the screen for five minutes for every fish as a heads up.


DI Fishing Bestiary.png
DI Fishing Journal Rewards.png

And that's all for the activity guide. You can view the Diablo Immortal Guide home page here Diablo Immortal Home Page.

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