Diablo Immortal: The Best AoE Damage Crusader
"Aura" Crusader Guide
This Aura Crusader is the best Crusader build for AoE encounters like dungeons, challenge dungeons, and terror rifts because of its high AoE damage. It uses the Sacred Fire primary skill along with Judgment, Condemn, Consecration, and Conjuration of Light. With the recommended legendary items Judgment causes fire to rain down around you, Condemn causes a condensed lightning storm to follow you that damages enemies, Consecration deals a minor amount of damage to yourself and higher damage to nearby enemies, and Conjuration of Light gives damage immunity for a short duration. The self damage of Consecration is negligible and deals very little damage. Draw and Quarter can optionally be used in the place of Conjuration of Light for higher damage when combined with the Lightstriders legendary pants which makes Draw and Quarter summon two horses that charge nearby enemies. This build also gives three rings around you that damage nearby enemies which is similar to having multiple damage auras. Some of the damage on this build comes from the damage rings and some comes from your Sacred Fire and damage over time effects. Your damage over time effects will also be instantly consumed by Condemn with the Torrential Refrain off hand equipped. This allows you to repeatedly instantly consume damage over time effects instead of just refreshing their duration each time you hit an enemy.
Paragons & Legendary Skills: Aura Damage Crusader Build
1. Slayer is the highest damage paragon because it increases the damage of your primary skills and continual damage.
2. Gladiator is the best PvP paragon tree for this build because it gives a cheat death and helps with loss of control.
3. Vanquisher is the best paragon tree for increased magic find and gives increased damage and attack speed on kills.
4. Harbinger can be used in Erebban for a life shield, movement speed, and for moving unhindered through enemies.
5. Survivor is recommended for Vanguard so that deaths take you to one life instead of killing you.
6. The best paragon legendary skill for this build is Death's Release which causes explosions with continual damage.
7. Below you can find a picture for the best paragon for damage and the second image is the best paragon for PvP.

Aura Damage Sacred Fire Crusader Skills and Equipment:
1. Sacred Fire (primary skill)
2. Condemn
3. Judgment
4. Consecration
5. Conjuration of Light (defensive) or Draw and Quarter (offensive)
Main Hand
Horn Splitter - Sacred Fire now ignites enemies burning them over two seconds causing damage over time.
Torrential Refrain - Condemn now instantly triggers all continual damage on the target it hits. This causes damage over time to trigger its full duration instead of just refreshing the damage over time duration when you hit the enemy.
Main Hand 2
The Bristle - Sacred Fire now also hurls waves of flames that damage enemies.
Off-Hand 2
Resplendent Mane - Sacred Fire now increases primary attack speed stacking up to three times.
Anointed Brimstone - Consecration now deals damage to nearby enemies, deals a minor amount of damage to yourself, and makes you immune to Chill and Freeze.
Heart of Grandeur - Condemn now conjures a lightning storm that follows you and damages nearby enemies.
The Yawning Rose - Judgment now calls down bolts of fire to rain down in an area around you.
1. Cuisses of Storm - Condemn deals increased damage for each harmful effect on the enemy.
2. Leggings of the Consigner - This defensive option makes Conjuration of Light give a life shield when you deal damage.
3. Lightstriders - This pure offensive option can be used to make Draw and Quarter summon horses that charge enemies.​
Recommended Sets
1. Feasting Baron's Pack Set (2 Set) - Important to increase the duration of harmful effects by 30%.
2. Untouchable Mountebank (4 Set) - Excellent for PvP for a large life shield to improve your defenses.
3. Banquet of Eyes (2 Set) - Increases your damage by 15% when there is a continual damage effect on the enemy.
Best Curses
1. Lashed - Using your primary attack gives a chance to generate three crackling whips that damage enemies.
2. Atrophied - Continual damage causes a dark field to appear under enemies that deals damage over time.
Best 5 Star Legendary Gems
1. Roiling Consequence - Increases your critical hit chance and causes critical hits to burn enemies.
2. Golden Firmament - Causes a ranged wind damage attack and increases your evasion.
3. Echoing Shade - Optional to summon up to two minions that use your primary skills for a medium duration.
4. Frozen Heart (should be switched to for PvP) - Gives a life shield for a medium duration and chills enemies.
5. Blood-Soaked Jade - BSJ is the lowest priority 5 star gem at low levels and becomes one of the best gems at high levels.
Best 2 Star Legendary Gems
1. Mother's Lament - Increases your critical hit chance and causes enemies to bleed.
2. Power & Command - Alternates between increased primary damage and increased skill damage and dispels.
3. Igneous Scorn - Can be combined with Roiling Consequence and Mother's Lament to deal damage on critical hits.
4. Fervent Fang (for PvM only) - Gives enemies a stacking damage taken increase when they are hit by an attack.
Best 1 Star Legendary Gems
1. Misery Elixir - Important for this build to increase damage over time durations which are instantly consumed.
2. Entropic Well - An excellent 1 star gem for damage that can be replaced at higher levels with a strong 5 star gem.
Regular Gems
Prioritize Tourmalines for added damage in red sockets and Citrines for Potency which increases harmful effects duration in yellow sockets. You should also use your highest refinement Aquamarines and Sapphires which give increased armor and armor penetration in blue sockets. You can also optionally combine all of your Rubies and/or Topazes into a single higher refinement Ruby and/or Topaz early on and use one of each in your equipment for a higher level of refinement.
Gem Notes
The Pain Clasp legendary gem shouldn't be used on this build because it requires damage over time on the target and your damage over time will be triggered instantly with the Torrential Refrain offhand. This means you also won't need the Viper's Bite or Seeping Bile legendary gems to trigger the damage increase on Pain Clasp. Roiling Consequence and Mother's Lament should be used to give increased critical hit chance and can be combined with Igneous Scorn for AoE damage on critical hits. You can eventually replace Igneous Scorn with a leveled Blood-Soaked Jade which starts off weak at low levels and then becomes one of the best legendary gems at high levels.​ Golden Firmament is a strong new 5 star gem that deals wind damage, gives increased evasion, and it triggers Firestorms when mixed with burning damage. Fervent Fang is a nice legendary gem for PvM but it should be replaced with Frozen Heart in PvP for a life shield and it can chill enemies.​
That's all for the Aura Damage Sacred Fire Crusader Guide. You can also view the home page here Diablo Immortal Page.​