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Best Places to Farm Gil and Crystarium Points


Before Chapter 7


There are few ways to make a significant amount of gil before Chapter 7 but your best bet is to sell all of the components that have sold for a premium in the description. They will sell for a larger amount of gil than normal and are typically weak components for upgrading. You can also sell all of your unwanted weapons and accessories. Accessories that have a single status ailment resistance are never really needed in the game and are great items to sell. The first place where you can farm a significant amount of gil becomes available in Chapter 7 which is also when the first strong mechanical component becomes available for purchase. 


Chapter 7 - Hope's Room


Hope's Room has infinitely respawning soldiers that will rarely drop Incentive Chips worth 2500 gil each. Once the soldiers have been killed you can make them respawn by running in a circle around the room. I only recommend farming gil in Chapter 7 if you need CP or a little extra gil for accessories and/or Phoenix Downs because the gil rewards increase greatly in later chapters of the game. Turbojets also become available in Chapter 7 and are the first strong purchasable mechanical component.


Chapter 9 - Airship


In Chapter 9 aboard the airship there is a hallway that has infinite spawning soldiers that drop Incentive Chips worth 2500 gil and Credit Chips worth 500 gil. The Chapter 9 soldiers have a much higher drop rate for Incentive Chips when compared with the Chapter 7 soldiers. You will know you are in the right spot when you start hearing an alarm sounding. Crankshafts also become available during Chapter 9 and are the best purchasable mechanical component at that stage of the game.


Chapter 11 - Mission 24


Mission 24 is the best place to level Crystarium Points and farm gil all the way up until the beginning of Chapter 13 and is unlocked after the completion of events at the Taejin's Tower. Mission 24 drops an item worth 6k gil when it is completed and will also reward 6000 CP. Ultracompact Reactors and Particle Accelerators also become available in Chapter 11 after completing Mission 7 and are the best purchasable mechanical components in the game for upgrading weapons and accessories.


Chapter 11 - Oerba


There is a side quest where you will need to hunt down all of the quest items in Oerba to reassembling a miniature robot. Inspect everything in Oerba that can be inspected (one item is from killing a vampire enemy), save, and then turn in the quest. If you found all of the quest items you will be rewarded with 500k gil in sellable items which is the largest gil reward in the game.


Chapter 13 - Sacrifices


At the beginning of Chapter 13 there is a group of four Sacrifices that can be respawned as many times as needed by simply running over and jumping on the nearby platform. Sacrifices commonly drop 12k gil Perfumes and 7k gil Scarletite catalysts. Make sure to equip the Collector's Catalog whenever fighting Sacrifices to increase the drop rate for Perfumes. Note: It's a good idea to farm here to purchase your first Trapezohedron to upgrade your weapons to Rank 3. Many weapons like the Punisher, which is very gil efficient and purchasable from the shop, give three Trapezohedrons once fully upgraded and dismantled. You can then use the three Trapezohedrons to fully upgrade three weapons of your choice.


Crystarium Points Increase


The Growth Egg will double the amount of Crystarium Points gained for your party. The Mission 55 boss rewards the Growth Egg and can be completed as early as the beginning of Chapter 12. You should use Vanille's Death spell if you want to complete the mission in Chapter 12 because it is one of the toughest fights in the game without the Death spell. The Death spell has its chance of landing increased by 1% for every status ailment on the enemy (the boss is susceptible to Imperil) and a 1% increased chance for each Saboteur in the party.


Fast Crystarium Points


It's almost like the Cactuars start appearing right around the time that you need to start farming CP for the end game. Cactuars are very quick fights later in the game and give 10,000 CP per fight with the Growth Egg equipped. As an added bonus, you only need to run one screen away and one screen back to respawn the Cactuars. You can equip Sprint Shoes for Auto-Haste, Blessed Talisman for Auto-Bravery, and the Morale Talisman for Auto-Faith if you want to speed up the fights. The main drawback to fighting Cactuars is that you will not make a significant amount of gil from fighting them. Fighting Sacrifices in Chapter 13 is a better option for leveling if you still need gil for components.


Adamantoise Farming


Fighting the Adamantoise from Mission 63 is another great way to earn gil for upgrading weapons at the end of the game. Adamantoise fights have a 25% drop rate for Platinum Ingots worth 150k gil each and a 1% drop rate for Trapezohedrons. You also will receive a Gold Nugget worth 60k every time you turn in Mission 63. ​A major drawback to fighting Adamantoises is that the fights take a very long time to complete whether you use the Death spell or fight them normally. To use Vanille's Death spell you can summon Vanille's Eidolon to knock the two legs out of the fight and then spam the Death spell on the head of the Adamantoise. Make sure to equip a Collector's Catalog and a Connoisseur's Catalog to increase the drop rate for Platinum Ingots and Trapezohedrons.


And that's all for the Final Fantasy 13 Gil and CP Guide. For more on Final Fantasy XIII you can check out the Paradigms Guide, Best Weapons GuideAccessories and Synthesis Groups Guide, and Components Guide.


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