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Components Guide




When upgrading a weapon or accessory you should use enough organic components to reach a x3 multiplier for experience and then mechanical components in bulk to gain experience without going over the experience cap for the weapon or accessory. Spending mechanical components in bulk allows you to maintain the x3 multiplier while gaining experience. The image next to the component can show you whether it is an organic component or a mechanical component. After you run out of organic components you can purchase 36 Sturdy Bones from the Creature Comforts shop for the full x3 experience multiplier whenever needed.


Sold for a Premium


Components that have sold for a premium in the description are typically weak components for gaining experience but they are worth a large amount of gil and should be sold to shops. Selling components that have sold for a premium in the description is a great way to make gil early in the game. Incentive Chips worth 2,500 gil each can be farmed from soldiers in Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 and are the first high quality premium components that can be found from respawnable enemies. The Chapter 9 soldiers also drop Credit Chips worth 500 gil each. These two farmable components are the best way to make gil before Chapter 11.


Chapters 7: Turbojets


Before Chapter 7 you should use found components to upgrade weapons and accessories rather than purchasing them from the shop. Turbojets become available in Chapter 7 and are the first strong purchasable mechanical components. The soldiers in Hope's Room in Chapter 7 drop Incentive Chips worth 2,500 gil somewhat rarely and can be respawned by making a circle around the room. You should probably wait until Chapter 9 to farm gil for component because the gil rewards greatly increase in later chapters.


Chapter 9: Crankshafts


Crankshafts become available in Chapter 9 and are slightly better mechanical components than Turbojets. If you need gil for components you can fight the respawnable soldiers in the area where an alarm is sounding aboard the airship. The soldiers drop Incentive Chips worth 2,500 gil at a much higher rate than the Chapter 7 soldiers. The Chapter 9 soldiers will also drop Credit Chips worth 500 gil each.


Chapter 11: Ultracompact Reactors and Particle Accelerators


After completing Mission 7 in Chapter 11 Ultracompact Reactors and Particle Accelerators become available and are by far and away the most efficient purchasable mechanical components. Mission 24 becomes available in Chapter 11 and has a repeatable reward worth 6k gil that can be used towards purchasing components. There is also a side quest in Oerba during Chapter 11 where you can hunt down all of the quest items to reassembling a miniature robot for a 500k gil reward. The best spot to farm gil towards purchasing components though is the group of four Sacrifices that you encounter at the beginning of Chapter 13. They can be respawned by jumping up on the nearby platform. Adamantoise farming from Mission 63 is another viable option but the fights take a long time whether you use Vanille's Death spell or fight them normally. Adamantoises have a 25% chance to drop a 150k gil Platinum Ingot and a 1% chance to drop a Trapezohedron catalyst.


And that's all for the Final Fantasy 13 Components Guide. For more on Final Fantasy XIII you can check out the Paradigms GuideBest Weapons GuideBest Accessories and Synthesis Groups Guide, and Gil and Leveling Guide.


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