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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide

On legendary difficulty it will take a lot of hits to take enemies down. Dual wielding enchants will run low on charges very quickly. My recommendation is to use a two-handed weapon for melee characters on legendary difficulty. Two-handed weapons have excellent damage and give more reach for moving enemies than dual wielding and keep the weapon's enchants charged with their lower attack speed. The Breton race is recommended for all builds on legendary difficulty due to the importance of magicka resist later in the game. Also, be aware that leveling unnecessary skills will increase the levels of the enemies that you will be fighting as well. Tip: For a great starting weapon there is an Elven Warhammer available at the beginning of the game by stealing it from Kodlak's room inside the Companion's Hall. 


Two-Handed - 80

Shoot for eighty skill points with perks here for double damage with two hand weapons.


Heavy Armor

Invest here until 567 Armor Rating which is the armor cap which is easily obtainable with Orcish Armor and Smithing.


Smithing - 60/80

Sixty skill points in Smithing gives you Orcish Armor (when upgraded to Legendary it will reach armor cap). Eighty skill points is an option which gives you the ability to make Ebony weapons for a large damage increase and the ability to upgrade your Ebony gear twice as much.


Enchanting - 80

Eighty points in Enchanting is great to reach for full strength enchants. One hundred Enchanting allows for a second enchant on your weapon but, a second enchant will only add a small amount of damage when considering a two-handed weapon.


Conjuration - 50

Thirty points in Conjuration gives you a Flame Atronach for more damage and another tank for fighting enemies but you will need to aim for fifty points in Conjuration for legendary difficulty. Fifty points will give you the use of a Frost Atronach as a tank because you will no longer have a follower to rely on at the end of the game. Conjuration is very important to have in legendary difficulty.


Restoration - 20

With twenty points in Restoration you can make Restoration spells fifty percent more effective and decrease the cost of casting the main healing spell by fifty percent as well.



Weapon - Absorb Health or Fire Damage

Helm - Conjuration Cost -25%

Body - Conjuration Cost -25%

Neck - Two Hand Damage

Ring - Two Hand Damage
Gloves - Two Hand Damage

Boots - Two Hand Damage


Important Questlines for Melee

The Companions quest line provides Steelforged weapons early on as well as many important trainers. The College of Winterhold quest line provides a guaranteed absorb health enchant near the end and will also provide magic trainers for spell schools such as Conjuration.


Feel free to check out the tips section for more on legendary difficulty Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Skyrim Legendary Tips



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Guides and Tips for Skyrim

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