The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide
Flames will be your go to spell early on and you can dual wield it with both hands for even more damage. Flames damages over one second so don't feel you need to hold down flames to deal damage. In fact you can cast it for a split second every once in a while and still get full damage without having to channel it which costs a lot more magicka. Firebolt and Fireball as you level are best saved for ranged casts when you can't reach the enemy because they are pretty expensive for spells. Incinerate on both hands will be your end game spell. Fire is the best option because it has the most damage for cost of the spell compared to other magics. The Breton race is recommended for all builds on legendary difficulty due to the importance of magicka resist. Also, be aware that leveling unnecessary skills will increase the levels of the enemies that you will be fighting as well.
Destruction - 75
Seventy-five points in Destruction gives you Incinerate which is usable once you have free Destruction spells from four -25% Destruction Spell Cost enchants. Incinerate is the strongest and most useful destruction spell for the end game.
Conjuration - 50
Thirty points in Conjuration gives you a Flame Atronach for more damage and another tank for fighting enemies but you will need to aim for fifty points in Conjuration for legendary difficulty. Fifty points will give you the use of a Frost Atronach as a tank when you no longer have a follower to rely on at the end of the game. Conjuration is very important to have in legendary difficulty.
Enchanting - 80
You will need eighty points in Enchanting for -25% Destruction Cost enchants.
Heavy Armor
Clothing with minus cost is not really necessary. While using heavy armor with four 25% decreased Destruction cost enchants you will have free spells and a much higher armor rating. Invest in Heavy Armor perks last because the other skills and perks are much more important. Blade's Armor is an excellent easily accessible heavy armor to use on mages. Smithing skill and upgrading armor is also not very important for mages.
Restoration - 20
With twenty points in Restoration you can make Restoration spells fifty percent more effective and decrease the cost of casting the main healing spell by fifty percent as well.
Helm - Destruction Cost -25%
Body - Destruction Cost -25%
Neck - Destruction Cost -25%
Ring - Destruction Cost -25%
Gloves - Magicka Increase
Boots - Fire Resistance
Important Questlines for Mages
College of Winterhold is very helpful for magic trainers and some early magicka items when completed early in the game. Unlocking the College of Winterhold quest line also provides a trainer for Conjuration.
Feel free to check out the tips section for more on legendary difficulty Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.