Morrowind Guide
Melee and Archers are both great builds but melee is better early in the game. Here's a guide on the best builds and where to find the best equipment for them.
Melee Build
Race: Male Redguard - Male Redguards are the best sex and race for melee because they have the largest increase to Strength, Endurance, and Long Blade. Redguards also have an excellent racial that increases their melee damage.
Sign: The Lady (+25 to Endurance and Personality) - The Lady sign will greatly increase your maximum health and also gives Personality as an added bonus.
Major Skills:
Long Blade (Strength)
Long Blade is the best melee weapon type in the game.
Block (Agility)
A great defensive that works without you having to perform any action.
Heavy Armor (Endurance)
Heavy Armor gives the highest armor rating for melee.
Restoration (Willpower)
Restoration is recommended for all builds.
Alteration (Willpower)
Alteration gives Open Lock spells, Shields, Water Walking, and Water Breathing.
Minor Skills:
Mysticism (Willpower)
Mysticism has the Soul Trap spell and Mark and Recall which greatly speeds up your travel time.
Armorer (Strength)
Armorer is used to increase your Strength and will help you repair your gear.
Illusion (Personality)
Illusion gives Night Eye which helps you see in dark cave and dungeon areas.
Sneak (Agility)
Sneak keeps you from being detected during quests and improves pickpocketing.
Enchant (Intelligence)
Enchant is preferred over Speechcraft because Speechcraft needs to be trained at some point without leveling you up.
Archer Build
Race: Male Wood Elf (Bosmer) - Male Wood Elves are the best sex and race for an archer because they have the highest Agility, Speed, and Marksmanship which increases your accuracy with a bow.
Sign: The Lady (+25 to Endurance and Personality) - The Lady sign greatly increases your maximum health and has Personality as an added bonus.
Major Skills:
Marksmanship (Agility)
Marksmanship is your main damage skill when using a bow.
Medium Armor (Endurance)
Medium Armor gives Endurance on levels, has better mobility than Heavy Armor, and can still reach the armor cap.
Short Blade (Speed)
Short Blades are quick attacking weapons with a low weight that can be used as backup weapons.
Restoration (Willpower)
Restoration is recommended for all builds.
Alteration (Willpower)
Alteration gives Open Lock Spells, Shield spells, Water Walking, and Water Breathing.
Minor Skills:
Mysticism (Willpower)
Mysticism has Mark and Recall to greatly speed up your travel time and gives the Soul Trap spell for enchantments.
Armorer (Strength)
Armorer is used to increase your Strength and will help you repair your gear.
Illusion (Personality)
Illusion gives Night Eye which lets you see in dark caves and dungeon areas.
Enchant (Intelligence)
Enchant is preferred over Speechcraft because Speechcraft needs to be trained at some point without leveling you up.
Sneak (Agility)
Sneak is important for avoiding detection during quests and is needed for pickpocketing.
Best Equipment
Best Weapons - Daedric Katana and Daedric Bow (both obtainable at level one)
Go to the Vassir-Didanat Ebony Mine which is south of Balmora and then visit the Haunted Manor in St Olms Plaza at the top of the tower for one Daedric weapon of any type as early as level one. There is a 50 point lock that needs to be opened so you may want to purchase Ondusi's Open Door from the Mages Guild in Balmora to open the lock.
Best Heavy Armor Helm - The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw
The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw is a reward for the Malacath Shrine Quest inside Assurdiripal which is a ruin south of Vas. Visit the shrine and ask a guard in Gnaar Mok about Oreyn Bearclaw's ancestor. You can then kill Farveyn Oreyn and his bodyguards which are nearby. Turn in the quest at the Malacath Shrine and you will be rewarded with the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw.
Best Heavy Armor Chest and Greaves - Enchanted Daedric Armor
House Telvanni has the best rewards for melee characters such as the 50 point Feather enchanted Daedric Cuirass and the 50 point Feather enchanted Daedric Greaves. You will also be rewarded with a number of useful spells such as Mark and Recall.
Best Heavy Armor Set - Daedric Armor
Daedric Greaves and a Daedric Shield can be found at the Dren Plantation if you wish to fight the human enemies there. You can also fight Divayth Fyr in the Tower of Fyr for a full set of Daedric Armor. Make sure not to kill Davith Fyr before turning in the quest that cures your Corpus Disease or it will break the Main Quest making it incompletable.
Best Heavy Armor Gauntlets - Fists or Randagulf
The Fists of Randagulf are the best heavy armor gloves and they can be found early in the game. They have a constant 20 point Fortify Strength and 20 point Fortify Agility enchantment and are found in a trough in the Soul Rattle area of Ilunibi.
Best Medium Armor Chest - Ebony Mail
Ebony Mail is the best medium armor chest in the game and has a constant 50% Shield, 75% Fire Resist, and 20% Resist Magic enchantment. Ebony Mail is received as a reward for completing the Tribunal Temple questline.
Best Medium Armor - Orcish Armor
Once you are at a high enough level you can fight Umbra for a full set of Orcish Armor and the two handed Umbra sword. Umbra is a very difficult fight early on so you should probably wait until you are a decent level before attempting it. You are also given a key to a room with a full set of Orcish Armor at the end of the Fighters Guild questline.
Best Light Armor - Glass Armor
At the very end of the Fighters Guild you are given a key to a room with a partial set of Glass Armor. You can also fight the humanoid enemies at Ghostgate for Glass Armor or steal Glass Armor from the armor shop in Ghostgate.
Best Ring - Marara's Ring
Marara's Ring is the best ring in the game and is enchanted with 20% Reflect Damage and 40% Resist Normal Weapons. Marara's Ring can be found in the Drethan Ancestral Tomb which can be entered from Shallit. Shallit is found on a small island on the eastern side of the northern coast.
Best Ring - The Ring of Azura
The Ring of Azura is the second best ring in the game and is found as a reward for completing the Main Quest. It has a constant 3 point Restore Fatigue enchantment and a constant Night Eye enchantment.
Best Amulet - Necromancer Amulet
The Necromancer Amulet is the best amulet and has 25% Resist Normal Weapons, Fortify Intelligence 25 points, Restore Health 1 point, and 25% Spell Absorption enchantments. It is found at the end of the Mages Guild questline as a drop from Tebonius.
Best Clothing - The Robe of Drake's Pride and Mara's Blouse
The Robe of Drake's Pride is the best robe clothing in the game and has Fortify Intelligence 10 pts, 25% Reflect, and 25% Resist Fire enchantments. Senise Thindo is wearing the robe and can be taunted into attacking you in Tel Aruhn. Mara's Blouse is also an option for a shirt with a constant 10% Resist Magic enchantment and is rewarded late in the Imperial Cult questline.
Morrowind Tips
1. At the beginning of the game there is a full set of Master Alchemy Apparatuses that can be stolen from the Mage's Guild tower in Caldera. Later in the game you can upgrade to a set of Grandmaster Alchemy Apparatuses which can be purchased from the Propylon Chamber in Valenvaryon that can be found in the northern section of The Ashlands.
2. The Mudcrab Merchant is a merchant on an island to the far east of Vivec and is southeast of the nearby ruins. He has the largest gold supply of any merchant in the game for selling items. You can also sell all of your less expensive items to the Mudcrab Merchant and then wait 24 hours to refresh his 10k gold supply. You can then purchase them back to increase his gold supply to above 10,000 to get the full value for selling more expensive items. You can then wait 24 hours for a new gold supply and then resell all of the less expensive items back to him for a huge profit.
3. There is a huge field of Wickwheat that's used to create Restore Health Potions with Alchemy to the southwest of Tel Mora.
4. When you level you can gain a 5 point strength increase by simply jumping around if Acrobatics is set as a minor skill.
5. You can gain 10 points in two minor skills to get a x5 attribute bonus when you are leveling up. Strength and Endurance are usually the best two attributes to level on a new character. The third point can go into Luck or optionally another attribute.
For the best builds, equipment, tips, and guild rewards for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion you can click on the link below. Thank you!